
ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an international standard that provides the requirements for a quality management system. Organizations implement this standard to demonstrate their ability to continuously provide products and services in accordance with customer needs and legal requirements. This standard was first introduced in 1987 by ISO. The International Organization for Standardization is a non-governmental organization, but in some countries and industries, some of the standards of this organization become rules, so this organization is more powerful than most non-governmental organizations. Today, more than 160 countries have joined the organization.

History of ISO 9001

As mentioned, this standard was first introduced in 1987. In 1994, 2000, and 2008, newer versions of this standard were introduced to meet the needs of users. The latest version of this standard is the ISO 9001:2015 version. It can be said that the editions presented in 1994 and 2008 had more minor changes than the previous editions, but the editions presented in 2000 and 2015 had many changes compared to the previous ones.

Benefits of ISO 9001

The purpose of ISO 9001 is to provide a practical and usable guide to the quality management system in organizations to improve and monitor all areas of the organization's business. Implementing the ISO 9001 standard is not just about creating a complex set of implementation methods in the organization, but also about creating a management system in the organization. Implementing this system will bring many benefits to the organization, including production increase, waste reduction, customer and stakeholder satisfaction, etc. Some of the main benefits of ISO 9001 are as follows:
-Applicability for large and small industries
-Improve management in organizations
-Reduce waste in organizations
-Increase productivity, production, and profitability in organizations
-Improve customer retention and acquisition in organizations
-Monitoring and supervising processes in organizations
-Compliant with other international standards
-Improve the credibility of the organization among competitors
-Improve the integrity of processes in the organization
-Creating a platform for better decision making in the organization
-Creating a culture of continuous improvement in the organization
-Increase employee participation in the organization
It should be noted that having the ISO 9001 is a prerequisite for some customers, and in some cases having this standard is a winning card for organizations.

How to get ISO 9001 certification?

In order to receive the certificate of the quality management system, it is necessary for the organization to be able to implement the requirements of this management system. In this regard, the following items are recommended in order to better and more effectively implement the quality management system in the organization.
1- Commitment to the management of the organization
2- Selecting a qualified consultant (In order to select a qualified consultant ISO 10019 can be a good guide for organizations.)
3- Creating a team to implement a quality management system
4- Providing the necessary training and knowledge in the organization
5- Compilation of quality management system documents
6- Implementation of management system in the organization
7- Carrying out an internal audit in the organization
8- Requesting an external audit from certification companies
In general, in order to obtain a quality management system certificate, the organization must show that the following items have been implemented in the organization:
-Comply with the requirements provided by this standard
-Meet the legal requirements and needs of customers and the expectations of stakeholders
-Document the quality management system evidence
By receiving this certificate, organizations can show their customers and stakeholders that their needs and expectations have been met by the organization. Of course, in some organizations or industries, obtaining this certificate may be a legal requirement or obligation. In order to receive a certificate, it is necessary for organizations to first implement the requirements of this system in their organization and then to perform audits and receive a certificate from reputable companies providing the certificates.

Which organizations try receive this standard?

ISO 9001 is implemented in various organizations regardless of the size of the organization. It is estimated that more than one billion organizations from different countries have implemented this standard. In recent years, various manufacturing and service organizations, including the following industries around the world, have implemented this standard:
Manufacturing industries, service companies, publishing industries, forestry, electronics industries, steel industries, food industries, legal services, financial services, freight companies, banks, retailers, drilling industries, material recycling companies, aerospace organizations, construction industries, exploration companies, textiles, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas industries, paper industries, petrochemical industries, mining, energy, telecommunications, plastics, research centers, healthcare, hotels, facilities, airlines, tools and machinery companies, agriculture, government centers, training centers, leisure centers, tourism centers, software development centers, instrumentation, biotechnology, chemical industry, insurance, etc.
Ark Safety Industry in order to achieve its goals and meet the expectations of customers and stakeholders implemented a quality management system (ISO 9001) in 2020. In August and September 2020, the first and second rounds respectively were audited by the auditors of Marzban Quality Group. Ark Safety Industry succeeded in obtaining the quality management system certification from IMQ Italy.
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